About Us

The Roblez Collection, LLC was born in October 2020 out of a year of uncertainty. My husband and I had transitioned from full time ministry after 11 years as lead pastor and worship director, respectively.

I had a desire to continue to serve people but first needed to heal from ministry fatigue and ask God to reveal the "what." I also knew I needed to help provide income for our family and figure out how to work AND have digital learning with my girls from home. I had a small business as an interior designer for books in the early 2000s, so I began to ponder on how I could work from home again. Six months later, out of hard work, A LOT of continual education and loss of sleep, The Roblez Collection is here.

Here's my family, truly God's gift to me.

 ICE Gaylord Palms 2022

I hope you allow me to grow The Roblez Collection to help you accessorize your lifestyle.

P.S.: When you sign up to our email list, I have personally written and designed its contents. I hope you are enjoying them. If you are not learning anything from them, you may unsubscribe at your convenience or continue to provide grace towards me. No hard feelings. I would love to hear from you with how you are enjoying my emails by replying to theroblezcollection@gmail.com. Also know that most of our accessories are on hand and do ship in 1-3 days from Saint Cloud, FL.

I am grateful for you and thank God our paths have crossed through The Roblez Collection.

God bless you always,

Hilda R.